Welcome to Noos-letter 173

2023 Overtone Peacock Moon Edition

Welcome to the Overtone Peacock Moon of Radiance! This is the fifth Moon of the Planetary Service Wavespell, holding the power of Overtone Radiance.

We cannot control the world; we can only control our response and perception. The repetitive nature of history, the echoes of old conflicts in new wars, the persistent inequalities, the ongoing struggle between love and fear, unity, and separation are all programmed into an erroneous and artificial timing frequency, according to the Law of Time.

In this Moon, we are empowered to channel the powerful energies of light, truth, and divine wisdom to counteract and prevail over darkness. Where we orient our mind and energy determines the feedback we receive. Intention is key.

The 13 Moon synchronometer is based on fractal time cycles. Thinking in fractal cycles requires a shift from viewing time as a linear sequence to understanding it as a pattern that repeats across different scales, where individual parts mirror the whole.

It takes exertion and discipline to rise above the repetitive cycles and re-active programming. Because of the nature of world events and the potential for destruction now so deeply rooted in our present time-space matrix, we put out a call for Noosphere nodes.

Each node is a nucleus of living knowledge, a conduit of cosmic energies that will receive noospheric feedback according to the consciousness of participants, and it's unique to its geographical location. This idea is to gather with three or more people in your area who are tracking the synchronic order. Create an intention and meet regularly to share visions, dreams, and synchronicities.

The more we discuss these themes, the more our memory and inspiration are mutually activated. We will then combine our visions and dreams from different bioregions to create a new harmonic vision or collective narrative for the future. It is an interactive way for everyone to be involved. The first reports should be submitted by Kin 48 (December 7) to be included in a Planetary Report Synthesis, which will be offered freely before the Solstice. Send reports to deb113@lawoftime.org and cc: noospheredream@lawoftime.org.

In the pulsar geometry, the fifth tone is the fourth-dimensional Command Tower, directing us to Empower Ourselves in the remembrance that we are more powerful than what we imagine.

The totem animal for this Moon is the Peacock; with its vibrant, iridescent feathers, it is an emblem of beauty, royalty, and spiritual awakening in many cultures worldwide.

Inner Time

For those who want to go deeper into the context of this knowledge, join us on Inner Time. There, you will find video meditations on the 21 galactic archetypes, PDFs, and the Seven Keys to Cosmic History video series. Also in Inner Time is the ongoing 260-days of Time Magic. You can join at any time, as it is all self-study. An audio or video on a different facet of Cosmic History and the Law of Time is released every 13 days along with written instructions and points of reflection. https://cosmichistory.love/inner-time-membership/

If you are brand new to this knowledge, consider 13 Moon Calendar Essentials to learn the basics of the Law of Time.

Galactic Education Center in Brazil

In other news, here is an inspiring video from our Galactic Education Center in Brazil. Deep gratitude to Andre, Kin 93, and all of the kin working so diligently to make this a reality.

What we experience at Nova Terra is something magical and so pure. It represents a model for our human experience on Planet Earth.
What we live here at the Law of Time Course and Retreat (Formação de Facilitadores da Lei do Tempo) are days and nights filled with art, wisdom, enchantment, peace, and timelessness.
Here we cultivate Time as a union with the Divine.
An experience that is beyond the mainstream and certainly creates and establishes a new frequency and behavior for each human being.
We invite you to join us and fully experience what this video shows.
—Andre, Kin 93

Love in 13:20 Codes by Katarina Prokić is a story of the transformative power and magick of the 13:20 frequency of Natural Time as it is woven through one woman's life journey. Written in a simple and engaging flow under the magnifying glass of the evolutionary knowledge of the Law of Time, this book opens new ways of perceiving one's life, inspiring readers to apply this knowledge and maybe (why not?) write their own story.

To purchase this magnificent ebook for $13.20, please contact Katarina at tormentamaga@gmail.com.

Katarina is a soul doula, gently holding our hands as we heal the ancient trauma and cross the river of Time into the dazzling realm of galactic consciousness.
Love in 13:20 Codes serves up an exquisite balance of personal heart-centered experience and a discerning intelligence that gently expands our awareness into new vistas of knowledge and perception. Each page of this magical book is filled with the subtle poetry of divine light that demonstrates that not only is Time the Universal factor of Synchronization, but Love is the Highest Art of Time!
Stephanie South
Katarina teaches us by preaching, she inspires us by evoking her life before our eyes, with words, verses, with her own glyphs, with examples so sincere and naked, which in itself is amazing and commendable. Katarina Prokic heals us with words and verses, images from her travels, instilling faith in humanity in us, restoring our faith in the human race, empowering us to venture outside ourselves, to dare, to let go – to soar high above, why not?
Tamara Luyak

About the author

Katarina Prokić, mother of two sons, peace activist, psychologist, and healer, is dedicated to spreading the galactic culture of love, art, and synchronicity. She is engaged in translation, writing, and healing work. Her pioneering work in the Balkans, South America, and Asia occurred through lectures and workshops on Natural Time and the 13 Moon Calendar. She is a Blue Magnetic Storm on the 13 Moon Calendar.

Love in 13:20 codes is her first child. In the book, she talks about her personal growth and journey. She describes details of the Planetary Peace Movement to change to the 13 Moon Calendar.

She lives and works in South America.

Her email address is tormentamaga@gmail.com.

Sounds for Cosmic Synchronization is Elefante Blanco's latest album

It's a psycho-mythical art form that holds the frequency of particular Time/Space events (dates) of the unfoldment of the Myth of the Planetarization of Consciousness and development of the Lineage of the Galactic Culture and Synchronic Order whose primary functions are the synthesis of all the spiritual traditions of the planet, the remembrance and awareness of natural time and cycles of the evolution of organic life and consciousness and to make conscious the unconscious by healing the primordial traumas of sex/life force distortion, the fear of death, the false spirituality, and materialism by returning to natural time and natural condition of human race in relation to the biosphere and all its life systems and realms; where will and imagination are the key elements for the realization of life potentiality.

It's an artistic, non-conceptual mind transmission that contains enneagrams and archetypal structures to be released as sound waves into the planetary mind and heart stream with the hope and intention to tap into individuals' potential to become fully operational shapers of creative reality.

It's music for the future from the future for the resonant alteration of timelines to manifest as an actual reality, the potential future of radiant, vital wholeness and realization of the planet as a work of art.

With this intention and prayer, it is offered to realize the task of the One who becomes many and the many who become One.

I express my eternal gratitude to Valum Votan and Red Queen for their life offerings to this mission and Belen Kin 50 for her assistance in the creative artwork for the album.

We are one with Earth; Earth and ourselves are one.

Listen Now

Blog by Stephanie South, Creative Director

13:20 : Frequency : Shift


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Star Traveler's Synchronicities

Welcome to the Overtone Moon! Current cycles recap as of the beginning of this Moon:

  • Year (365-day cycle): Year of the White Overtone Wizard
  • Spin (260-day cycle): 51st Spin since the beginning of the 13 Moon Dreamspell Count (1987).
  • Season (65-day cycle): White Northern Dog Season of Love - White Galactic Spectrum
  • Castle (52-day cycle): Red Eastern Castle of Turning: Court of Birth
  • Moon (28-day cycle): Overtone Peacock Moon of Radiance - How can I best empower myself?
  • Wavespell (13-day cycle): White Wizard Wavespell of Timelessness

Heptad Path Codes for the Overtone Moon

In the 52-week journey through the 52 heptad paths of the Hunab Ku 21 Galactic Tree and Life and Knowledge, the following heptad paths are activated for the Overtone Moon:

Red Week 1 - Initiate
[Seed Seal][Eagle Seal]Heptad 17: Awareness evolves Vision
(Overtone Moon 1-7 / Nov 15-21)

White Week 2 - Refine
[Seed Seal][Warrior Seal]Heptad 18: Awareness evolves Intelligence
(Overtone Moon 8-14 / Nov 22-28)

Blue Week 3 - Transform
[Wizard Seal][Warrior Seal]Heptad 19: Timelessness awakens Intelligence
(Overtone Moon 15-21 / Nov 29 - Dec 5)

Yellow Week 4 - Ripen
[Eagle Seal][Warrior Seal]Heptad 20: Vision transmits Intelligence
(Overtone Moon 22-28 / Dec 6-12)

In the Galactic Superstructure/the Hunab Ku 21, the four heptads of the Overtone Moon - taken as a whole - are the place in time where resides the Power of Intelligence. Learn more in Book of the Timespace, Cosmic History Chronicles Volume V.

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